Free Wallpapers Best! Cat Tree! Evar!.
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cat Best! Cat Tree! Evar! is taken from Here you can see a picture or photograph of Best! Cat Tree! Evar!
Best! Cat Tree! Evar! images can be found on Flickr.
Bought this
directly from the manufacturer. Suggested retail 9, and honestly... it's worth it.
Paid 9 + free shipping (
although UPS was a bit of an adventure). Hands down, the best cat tree we've ever owned, Easy to put together, PLUSH, tons of sisal scratching post area, and a variety of levels and heights for the girls to enjoy. It's stable enough that it's stands on it's own with the girls running up and down it's whole height and wrestling on it.
They use every bit of it all day long, even the parts we looked at in the photo and thought
I don't know.... Good exercise for them. We looked in lots the local stores and for 0 we couldn't find one HALF as sweet as this one, and we'd have to lug it home ourselves.
Image by Spiritualmonkey